School Overview
Our goal at ACT is to provide the citizens of Raleigh County, West Virginia, opportunities to find and attain a position in life which is personally productive, useful, and satisfying. I invite you to enjoy our website, accept our invitation to visit Academy of Careers and Technology, or contact us for additional information. Career technical education (CTE) provides students and adults with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and develop skills they will use throughout their careers. The programs at ACT represent eleven of the sixteen career clusters, based on the National Career Cluster Framework, that identify the knowledge and skills students need as they follow a pathway to their goals. CTE prepares students for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.
School Type
Career/Technical School
Careers Available
Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic